Monday, September 23, 2013

Margo Monday!

The traditional method of playing asari adept is to level up stasis until you get stasis bubble, then fire that motherfucker indiscriminately. It freezes enemies and holds them still.

 photo mm5_zps88466d38.png

Then, you whack your target with pull or warp and cause a biotic explosion that kills what it touches.

 photo mm6_zps75482a41.png

One time, I was playing with three other salarian infiltrators. Infiltrators are a shitty boring class characters who like to take their time and snipe nicely.

I figured out what to do pretty quick.

 photo mm7_zpsf3ca3ebf.png

Yup, Margo was a pretty popular lady that day.

(Hey, if you want to play with either me or husbando~, our XBL gamer tag is Jean Sibelius!)

1 comment:

  1. Um, technically *pushes up glasses* Pull is only a source power, not a detonator power, so you can't trigger a biotic explosion with Stasis followed by Pull.

    Ehem. Hrm. I play way too much multiplayer.

    I would totally add you except I'm on PS3 T_T
