Friday, May 30, 2014

i pooped that

So, back to Aria's for a planning sesh.

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I'm kind of editing this for clarity here, in the game, they just start randomly talking about the force fields. What the hell does anyone care about the force fields? You just said that you've got civilians and Talons getting you to Afterlife, just go with that plot thread!

PS, another question I might have:

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Apparently Omega was built on the mining industry? Fuck it, I'm sure as hell not reading the codex.

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Nyreen asks to speak to Shepard. Since it's Mass Effect, she says exactly what you think she might.

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Uh, also,

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Now, let us to the mine, via the dark reactor.

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... what the hell killed those guys?

Also, I'm sort of taking liberty with the art here. This is a more accurate description:

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see 'cause it's a dark reactor.

"Man, Doom 4 was a great game," and other things Bioware has said.

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An adjutant! Let's take care of it in the usual way.

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You know, the game builds up adjutants to be these super scary things? But this is such a dissapointing fight. Three charges, two novas, that's it. Nyreen has a line about one adjutant taking out an entire turian regiment, but naw, obviously one vanguard can handle more shit than THE ENTIRE MILITARY.

.... that might actually be true.

After the fight, we go to the mine.

Is there a term for a set dresser in video games? Whoever worked as a set dresser on Mass Effect was really good at their job. The game is littered with shit tons of super cute accesories. The mines have lots of minerals laid out so that you know what they're mines.

You know what they look like, though, legit?

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They've got eezo (element zero) laid out too.

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Make sure you look to the left as you exit the mine. There's a beautiful shot of a giant eezo mine. Allow me to shit it down my leg for you:

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And now, I present a conundrum:

The one negative note I've heard about MSPixel is that I don't take the science of Mass Effect very seriously. (You all seem oddly okay with the fact that I can't draw for shit.) This almost always comes in the form of, "Yes uh huh there are too! mass effects in the Mass Effect series!"

Number one, nuh uh no there aren't. Number two, the argument is that everything in the universe is powered by a mass effect, so that's totally why the series is called Mass Effect. They didn't call it Warp Drive, they called it Star Trek. They didn't call it Nerd Tears, they called it Star Wars. But naw, y'all, Mass Effect is totally a good idea for a name.

Here's my point: mass effects are powered by element zero. WHY. IN. THE. FUCK DIDN'T THEY JUST CALL THE SERIES ELEMENT ZERO, THEN!?

"Wow, Bean, that's a really dumb idea because the series isn't about element zero." Right, and I hear that because the whole plot totally revolves around mass effects OH WAIT.


  1. I was also a smidge disapointed by how easy the Adjutants were to beat. Like I was expecting Silent Hill type scary monsters, but they're really just kinda meh? Banshees were much scarier. The fact that they can turn you INTO more adjutants was a neat idea that I wish they'd have explored. Like when you find the Cerberus corpses, they should have come to life zombie-like and turned into Adjutants in front of you, that would have made them WAY scarier.

  2. I can assure you if you turn the difficulty up and play as something not-a-vanguard, Omega's final fight with the adutants can be HARD AS ALL GETOUT.

    And yeah, it would have been cool if Bioware had gone all horrible body horror with the adutants
