Friday, May 23, 2014

The Leader of the Talons

Welcome to MSPixel's 201st post! I blew right past 200.

So Aria and Nyreen, they're getting along great.

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Hey, I'm sure we all have that one ex who we wish would hurry up and die. Nyreen scurries off somewhere, and Aria takes us over to her prerequisite science fiction hologram thingie.

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That's Omega, by the way.

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... why with the force fields, again? They're preventing their own people from moving around the station! They're sucking power away from the Omegan people, so probably they're making them sit around in the dark, I guess? Man, in Mass Effect times, not having power would probably be a life or death thing. So they're just going to kill off Omega folk? ... why the hell do they want this station so bad again?

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Ooookay, so Nyreen has been removed from the party.

Aria figures out that the best way to take out the bad guys is finding the Talons, a gang of turians that's currently leading the resistance against Cerberus. So off we go, sans Nyreen, off to find these Talon folk.

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Aria, fuck me, there's renegade and there's what you bring to the party.

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After some combat, we drop right into the middle of the Talon lair!

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So anyway, we found Nyreen, and she's back. That was a stressful ten minutes.

Oh God, and so the game puts you in an elevator after this? But the power gets cut.

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I get stuck here every time. You have to do something to that box, right? I always wind up trying, like, everything I know.

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... okay so I try other stuff too.

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Joke's on you, Nyreen, no one on MSPixel wears pants!

If you were wondering: you have to shoot the latch on the box. It's like two pixels wide, I hope you like zooming in on shit.

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