Friday, May 16, 2014

The Camera Is Like Super Important, Okay?

Last time, we were on an escape shuttle with Aria, right?

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wuv you bioware

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Anyway, let's land on Omega.

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Hey, were you wondering if Shepard was a badass? Here, let me help.

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That happens, Shepard straight hops out of a burning husk of a shuttle, Popeye style, and cold cocks a Cerberus broheim. I love Shepard.

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One of the ways I've heard Omega compared to that other ME3 DLC is that Omega is much more combat heavy, while the other one is more story-based. Which means I'll have more to draw later, I guess.

This is the first of many long ass combat sequences. And, the first time we get to use Aria! She has reave and carnage, neither of which you care about. Let's look at some other shit she's got going on:

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Luminaire Flare is the most powerful biotic attack in the game. It's basically a big ass magic explosion, also exactly like luminaire.

... actually, Lucca's most powerful attack was called flare. And I'm sorry, but with Lucca's boosted magic attack, I always got way better attack power off flare than Chrono's weak ass luminaire game. Pair her up with whatever the hell accessory it was that made magic cost 50% mp, and she was the heaviest hitter in the whole game. You could just walk through the Ocean Palace with her.

Okay, shutting up now, let's go back to Aria:

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Lash hits enemies with a biotic lasso, primes them for a combo, and pulls them toward you. I have no idea how Bioware got that working, that sounds hard as hell to program.

You could, potentially, have Aria prime enemies with lash, then charge like hell, or prime with pull and let her explode stuff with flare, but both of those are the hard way to set up biotic combos. Lash and flare are both huge powers that have a long recharge. It's faster to pull and charge, or charge and nova.

... actually, I have dark channel on my Shep as a bonus power. I wonder if I could dark channel some dudes and let Aria blow up the whole area with flare? I'm going to need to try that.

Anyway, once you fight through the whole group of 100 enemies:

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She says this, in the game. Calm down, Bioware.

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"Bean, you're being silly." Y'all going to hate yourselves when we get there.

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Wow, that camera sure must be a big deal for me to spend two panels on it!

Omega has a semi-hidden mechanic: the ending changes somewhat depending upon your actions during the DLC. Or, put more simply, there's a paragon and a renegade ending. You start moving yourself toward the ending right here.

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The paragon method is to tell Aria, and she'll shoot the camera out. The opposite way?

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... what. What. The opposite of paragon is renegade, the opposite of orange is blue. That's art and shit. I did art. Y'all get proud.

Wait, though, what obvious pervert who was watching Aria and Shepard?

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Aww, dawg, that's Petrovsky! And he's playing space chess!

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"Ey yo, are you ever going to quit drawing Monobear every time we see an evil genius?" #can'tstopwon'tstop

1 comment:

  1. There's actually 3 potential endings! You get the middle one by being only halfway Renegade.
