Wednesday, May 14, 2014

You Can't Even Pay Extra For The Mass Effects

So! Some Mass Effect 3 facts for your morning:

Mass Effect 3 divides more or less into three acts, and we've completed act one. Mass Effect 3 also has three DLCs, so you can probably figure out my life plans.

I'll try not to spoil too much for you. We'll call the DLCs the first one, the second one, and the third one. The third DLC is considered by most to be absolutely unnaturally excellent by 250% of people who've played it, even better than Shadow Broker, so I'll save it for last. People kind of disagree over which is better, the first one or the second one.

I like the first one better, and I'm the one in control, so we'll do my least favorite one first. It's still pretty good, though. (It still manages to curb stomp Overlord.) Anyway, welcome to Omega, the second Mass Effect 3 dlc. It was released on November 27th, 2012.

It also stars one of my favorite NPCs.

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Aria asks us to meet her in a private shuttle.

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So yeah, you don't really need to read Mass Effect Invasion? But it's good information to have. Oh man, if only some turdbag with a shitty art blog had summarized it using triangle people where applicable.

Aria says something really cool and character developing during this sequence:

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See 'cause then they don't have to pay the voice actors.

No worries, everyone will be in the other two DLCs.

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... it's a valid question!

Anyway, the game now adds Aria to your party. Pretty cool, right? You can add points and stuff to her skills. By the way, look at her skills. What do you notice?

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Aria doesn't have charge. (I've heard that charge is a bitch and a half to program, they probably couldn't get it working in squadmate AI.) We'll go into what she does have later, but for now, let's go see what's up on Aria's ship.

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Aria's little pea shooter of a ship rolls up to the new Omegan fleet.

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Which looks like bad times, but?

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Apparently their little shitty guns can take out frigates, so that's nice.

General Petrovsky space skypes in, it goes as well as you'd think.

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Shepard convinces Aria to evacuate.

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  1. Seeing Aria on her Citadel-couch, I wondered if we will get to see the al'Jilani-train again sometime, there are so many people to pass by in ME3... even different in act 1 and 2 ;)
    And it seems already that Shep and Aria are totes gonna be best friends for this mission?! oO

  2. I can't wait 'till you get to that ONE PART that's hell for Vanguards. (I THINK that glitch is on console, too...)
