Friday, August 31, 2012


You guys! I'm not home!

I'm in Atlanta for DRAGONCON today! So stoked. But that means we'll have to wait to start Shepard's odyssey through the terminus systems until Wednesday.

But hey, if you're at DragonCon too? I'm going to be at the BioWare thing tomorrow, and the N7 Elite photo shoot too. Hunt me out and wave, okay? I have a really bad picture of my costume sitting poorly on my sewing model! Here it is:


It fits me better, I promise.

If you can't be at DragonCon, no sweat, I'll livetweet all the Mass Effect stuff that I can manage! You are following me on Twitter, right? Throw @MSPixelBlog into your Twittermatron. It'll be awesome, okay?

See you Wednesday for more shitty art!

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