Friday, March 29, 2013

Thane: Citadel Thugs

We've neglected two major science things about Thane Krios. Science is important in a game with horse anuses mass effects and bloobies.

One, Thane has something called kepral's syndrome, a drell disease where water gets in their gils and affects their ability to breathe. Thane learned to be an assasin on a hanar planet, and hanar are big jelly fish guys, so do some math there.

Thane lives in the life support section of the Normandy, since it's slightly more dry. He's kind of hoping to dry his gills out, see.

One more science fact about Thane.

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Drell have this thing called eidetic memory. Effectively, they remember every single thing ever and will randomly recall it out loud while doing this freaky ass eye thing, as you can see in my lovingly accurate rendering above.

So naturally the question comes up: really, every memory?

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EVERY memory?

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Okay, one more, just to make sure all the Thane fans get good and mad:

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I keed, Thane folk always seemed pretty nice to me.

Anyway, Thane's been remembering his son, Kolyat lately:

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There may be a reason this game gets called Daddy Issues The Game.

... are those guns in the life support room?

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No, legit, the Normandy crew keeps their guns in the damn life support room? Guns are like ANTI-life support! What the hell? Who came up with this idea!?

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Really, Thane, you make a pretty decent living being an assassin, sooo .... ?

Still, we need Kermit's loyalty, so let's go poking around the Citadel. I wonder if Captain Bailey's heard anything?

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("Duct rat" is slang for a poor kid who grew up on the Citadel. Kind of the same as our street rat or sewer rat.)

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Anyway, off to find Mouse, who is standing neatly out in the open.

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(That's a real line from the game. REALLY, Thane? How many mice do you know?!)

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Shepard and Thane take the name back to Bailey, who set them up with Elias Kelham in a private interrogation room. They've got to get the name of Kolyat's target out of the guy.

The game does something strange before it lets us in the interrogation room:

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... do those seem flipped to you? How is Shepard being the bad cop the paragon route?

I suspect that the next few scenes change both depending on the ... uh, cop alignment you choose, not to mention the choices you make in the examination room. I'm not really familiar with how, though, so just take comfort in the idea that you might get a different scene than me.

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You could have figured out that Kelham wouldn't talk, though, I bet.

Every so often, Shepard's presented with a renegade option:

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I never take them, but I'm pretty sure they make Shepard punch the guy in the face.

Is an advocate a Canadian thing that I don't understand? Why isn't the guy waiting for his lawyer?

Anyway, the guy's lawyer "advocate" gets there.

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NEXT TIME: Thane loves vents. Loves them.


  1. There are some other REALLY weird 'Paragon' options in the game too. In LoTSB, when you're in the hostage situation, Paragon Shep basically says "You think I'll hesitate to shoot a hostage? I'd shoot a hundred hostages if I have to!"

  2. Yeah, Advocate is basically another term for Lawyer. They're trying to give it a more sci-fi feel, like Star Trek. And the Renegade actions are actually pretty funny. If you take them all, you end up getting what you want just before Kellem passes out. After that, if you take the middle option with Thane in conversation, you make a comment about how you thought the guy would hold out longer and Thane goes, "Shepard, he's just a thug. You've killed a *Reaper*." I just find it weird that if you say you'll be good cop, you *stll* get the renegade interupts.

    1. I never even thought about taking the renegade interrupts after you've committed to Paragon, that IS weird.

  3. Oh, and being the bad cop is probably considered paragon because you're not forcing your team member to do it, I would think? Since you do have Spectre authority and all. That would be my guess, anyway, since the game pretty much tells you that Thane finds unnecessary violence distasteful.

  4. I'm always the bad cop because it feels weird forcing the calm, tranquil Thane to beat up a dude. I'm also a secret 24 junkie and it makes me feel like Jack Bauer even though I'm a Paragon.
