Friday, June 20, 2014

Omega: Finale

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Why is Aria so pissed over Diaba? It's a mystery to me too, man, but she bum rushes Afterlife, all throwin' flares everywhere and shit, until:

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Okay, so, let's untrap Aria. You've got to go around Afterlife, deactivating her trap in four points. It looks much like this:

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Okay fine it's more like this:

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I am really bad at this part and die all the time.

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Aria's now available to help you fight, for all the good it does.

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Hey, it wasn't the Ferros image again.

When you finish:

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This is the paragon ending to Omega. The renegade ending to Omega features Aria killing Petrovsky.

It also has an extra scene. Let us now borrow Eusebius Shepard.

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"Hey, wait, why'd you borrow Eusebius?" Because the ending is different if your Shepard is a lady Shepard:

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Aria likes ladies, what do you do.

Aria also likes rebuilding Omega. As Shepard takes Petrovsky away, Aria gives a speech. It's a nice moment. No music, no glory, just Aria's audio:

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  1. I just don't get why Aria prefers the ladies. I'm all for having as many lesbian aliens as possible, but the Asari are explicitly bi/pan. Why make the one lesbian alien (well, and Nyreen I guess) of a species that doesn't care about gender?

    Um and why did Shep's hair turn blue when making out with Aria?

    1. I'm sure the Asari have variations, just like we do. The majority for humans seems to be straight, but we still have gay/bi/pan and other variations. So maybe the majority of Asari are bi/pan, but they still have the occasional monosexuals.

    2. The blue hair is undoubtedly the Asari equivalent of a hickey.

    3. I have no idea about your first question, but I colored Shepard's hair blue because she's a renegade in that shot. Get it? Blue's the opposite of orange? I sometimes think I'm clever.
