Friday, December 21, 2012

Garrus: What Symbolism?


One of the cool things about MSPixel, I think, is getting to do art of characters that don't usually get drawn by fan artists.


Such as Mr. Taylor here. It's kind of a joke amongst Mass Effect nerds that no one loves Jacob. (How many of you noticed I screwed up and drew his hair wrong last time I drew him? None of you? That's because no one loves Jacob.)


Or Udina. I went looking. This is the only place on the Internet you're going to see drawn pictures of Udina, ladies.


Or Jiro. But he just makes me laugh because he comes early.


Mr. Taylor is a fan of sit ups. Probably left over from PT days in the Alliance.


I think we're all supposed to be swooning now. It's okay if you're not. I still think he's better looking than Kaidan, but I'm just not the kind of creeper who can sit and watch a guy do sit ups for a length of time.


Good thing Kasumi can! Good thing Kasumi also has invisibility cloak! Good thing I have no idea how to draw an invisibility cloak, so I just outlined her in gray!

This series has some kind of preoccupation with older women and younger men. First Kahlee and Jiro, now this. There's someone in the Bioware offices who wishes they were in Cougar Town instead of Edmonton.

Hey, Garrus was asking after Shepard, let's go check that out.


Garrus lives in the main battery, so far as the game implies, mass effecting the day away.

Err ... in our house, "mass effecting" is the term we like to use to describe the fake typing motion the characters make, because holy crap, this game is full of it. Garrus does it a lot, but there's a lot of other characters who are guilty. Joker. There's one spoiler character in ME3 who more or less does nothing BUT mass effect. Or pull ups. Yes, him.


This would be a gif of Garrus mass effecting, if you couldn't tell.


Sidonis! Sidonis, if you'll recall, is the one who betrayed Garrus to the mercs and got his band of 12 men killed. Sidonis is Judas in our little Mass Effectian passion play.


Bioware, honey, we just took our biblical metaphor to a bad place.

I'm going to have to cut the metaphor out right here and now because otherwise The Adventures of Jesus and Batman Jesus are going to get weird. Weirder. Hey, let's go to the Citadel!

Garrus has a tip that a gentleman named Fade makes folks disappear, and he's done the same to Sidonis. Fade was last seen in a warehouse on the Citadel, conveniently labeled for us because this is a video game:


Inside is a volus. We've dealt with voluses, but just barely, so real quick: voluses are moles in bdsm suits little short squat fuckers in life support suits, much like quarians.



They're also big wieners, it's easy to get info out of them.

Garrus' loyalty works differently than some of the other loyalty missions. The other missions are still Shepard's story, with the other character in the background. Garrus' is The Garrus' Show Staring Garrus And Then Also Shepard. Look at that, I was even able to draw a scene up there without Shepard in it!


Shepard's primary function in this story is to play psychologist to Garrus. If you play paragon, this mostly consists of trying to talk him out of shooting Sidonis.


I'm not sure why, since Shepard leaves a trail of dead bodies in her wake no matter where she goes, but that's how it rocks down so that's how we're going to play this.

Eventually, Shepard does find Harkin.



And distracts him long enough for Garrus to pistol whip the FUCK out of him.

I know it's been two years, but damn son, someone got violent.










I have so many images for this entry that I have to continue next time. I'm not entirely sure how Mr. Vakarian has charmed himself into both a loyalty mission and a recruitment mission that take two entries a piece, but he did it.

Anyway, NEXT TIME: Garrus gets to shoot one off.

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