Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Sex Boatin'

AUGH you guys I had this all ready to go last night and my Internet died. Dead as a door nail. The power cycling, it did shit.

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Husbando~ is pretty sure this is creepy, but I maintain that 1) it's true, 'cause they banged and shit, and 2) you'd have to be literally stupid to not know where Shepard sleeps if you're a Normandy crew member. She has an entire floor to herself.

Anyway, let's all go to sleep, and --

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Hey, this looks familiar.

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Let's go deeper into the forest.

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Hey, that was the kid from Vancouver!

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Shepard's not feeling so well, so she goes and cleans herself up a bit while Liara bugs the piss out of her.

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Liara says we're getting a space skype call, so let's go see what that's about.

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Well, hello to you too, Dalatross!

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... which is our next destination, but we need to spend some time pissing around the Normandy. Some stuff has changed. Such as!

Ken and Gabby are back!

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I still kind of hate Ken.

We also need to go down to the cargo bay.

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That's a recording of Cortez's late husband, who was killed in a collector's attack. He had to talk Cortez into running when Cortez wanted to double back and rescue him.

Which thus raises the question,

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That didn't make anyone nervous, that the shuttle driver sits and sobs in the cargo bay all day?

Really, I think Bioware wanted a quick way to make it clear that Cortez was gay and single. Also, I think this was literally the first idea they had. He couldn't be looking at dude pinups with Vega?

This scene gets real fucking weird with dude Shepard, because he's all,

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