Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Menyou and I

Welcome to MSPixel's 150th post!

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I know cutscenes are kind of my bread and butter around here, but I like it when I get to talk about the gameplay. The beginning of Mass Effect 3 is hard, because there's so damn little gameplay. But hey, Menae gifts you with a turret right at the start!

Of course, my vanguard ass does great with it.

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... I try so hard each week to use preview images without swearing in them. That one ... that one is not it.

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(You guys, I got followed today by a tumblr dedicated to gaming art. HA HA HA.)

Like Garrus said, these are brutes. The reapers thought it would be funny to stick krogan and turian parts together and see what happens. These things are a bitch and a half to kill.

So of course, I start out by using shadow strike --

-- fuck no I don't.

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Vanguard lyfe!

But Bioware gave us something new to use! Are you ready for this shit?

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Wave hello to the omniblade! Get up on some enemy's shit, hold B, and Shepard's omnitool will flip out a switchblade and knife a bitch! (Vanguards and adepts actually don't get one, so just pretend this illustration is informational.)

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True story, while playing this part, my game glitched out and Garrus started walking backwards. Husbando thinks it had soemthing to do with the targeting -- the game forgot it was playing a sort of cut scene, had Garrus target something random, and just didn't think to turn it around.


Shut up. I'm hilarious.

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... I find it interesting that Garrus' family is part of the Mass Effect story, even as bit players, but we never get to see them. I thought for sure Solana Vakarian was going to pop up in ME3, but she doesn't.

Anyway, we then come into a field of brutes, which of course means we've hit our final destination.

And holy shit, I mean there's like a hundred brutes. Don't make me draw them. I'm copy/pasting that one brute I drew for like the rest of the game, hope that's cool.

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And wouldn't you know, Victus is just, like, chillaxing in the middle of everything.

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... Palaven Command didn't send the guy a text or a spacebook message or anything? Don't you think you'd want to tell, you know, the guy you elected primearch?

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Hold the fuck up, don't the krogans hate turians for neutering and spaying them? Y'all played with all four of their balls, I'm not sure this is gonna work.

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Thanks Garrus. Dick.

NEXT TIME: Some quality time with on the Normandy.

1 comment:

  1. Yay, you're still alive! I mean, you're back! Nothing currently makes me laugh so hard, so consistently as your MS Pixel, so I was kind of going into withdrawal.
