Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Bad Moon On Horizon

Sometimes I start these with a cute ass comic, but NO TIME FOR THAT! Because last time, on MSPixel!

... we did Incursion, but BEFORE THAT ON MSPIXEL!


Let us hope Kelly is not the hooker with the heart of EXPLODE! (Jesus that's like 13 yeras old now I think.)

Mass Effect 2 was originally meant to be totally nonlinear. You know, like Legend of Mana? Damn that was a great game, go play it if you haven't. ... yes, I realize the similarities between MSPixel and Little Cactus. Bitch, I draw better.

Point being, the game was just going to set three types of missions in front of you: recruiting missions, shit The Illusive Man wanted you to do, and a third type we'll discuss later, and you could do whatever you want whenever you wanted. Sadly, Bioware couldn't get this working on the XBox, because of the disc change, so the choices were either degrade the art assets until they looked like, well, MSPixel, or divide the game up as we see it today.

As we see it today, the game gives us a few missions to choose from. Notice we've only run around recruiting people? That's all we're allowed to do right now. I could have done the missions in any order. I feel like most people actually go grab Garrus first, but I could have gone after Dr. Okeer or Jack first and left Mordin coughing in the slums and Garrus still shooting for his life in that building if I wanted. When you do enough missions, Kelly's all,


and then the game forces you in to doing the mission Brother Tim sets in front of you. Speaking of, let's go call him up.



say whaaaa?

The Alliance, as an outreach program, has been sending troops in to little Terminus system colonies and helping them get settled. Officially. Unofficially, they may be gathering collector data. (Oh, who the hell are we kidding with this "may" shit?) Ashley happens to be the with the one on Horizon.

Ashley gonna get eaten.

How is shit going on Horizon, anyway?



Just then! Over the Horiz -- you know what, forget it, over that way --


Okay, who can remember where those ships are from?


Ashley starts doing that standard action hero thing where you pick up a gun and you fire it and that means you're DOING SOMETHING YAY.


But children, what did we learn from Freedom's Progress?


Before the collectors come the seekers.

And they got no beef with stinging your ass.

Seriously, Ashley, honey, I like you, but that was like firing at a swarm of bees.

Meanwhile, the collectors are off collectin', as they do.



Pay some damn attention, we're about to have Plot happen.


There's this guy -- don't worry about his name or species right now, we'll get there -- who apparently controls the collectors. In addition, he can take over a random collector and posses his body. You can always tell where he is because he gets glowy.

Also he can't keep his damn mouth shut.


Actual line from the game! Are you paying attention? He just spoiled the ending of Mass Effect 3 for you! ... but of course we don't have the information to tell what he's talking about, so let's just move on and see what Shep and pals are up to.


(Maybe some day I'll draw squadmates who aren't Garrus and Miranda, but to be honest, I forget about Mordin a lot and I'm trying to draw Jack as little as possible.)




Mordin's been studying the collectors. That was the whole reason he was allowed on the Normandy in the first place. He's installed some armor upgrades to make everybody invisible to seeker swarms, thus rendering them uncollectable.



Just then, Joker radios in:


... why didn't Mordin install the same upgrades to the Normandy's armor?

Whatever, let's cut it off here.


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