I am having some kind of weird hand problem. It's not that they hurt, it's that they don't work right. You can imagine that this is making drawing hard.
I am going to the doctor today, so don't worry about my hands too much. Here's what my broke hands mean to you: you get half an MSPixel today, and half an MSPixel on Saturday. You heard me right, you're getting MSPixel on Saturday.
Assuming the doctor doesn't tell me anything goofy, the plan may be to keep throwing small MSPixels at you guys until I get this whole hand thing figured out. That might mean MSPixel on Sunday for you. Or Monday. I'm not making huge promises, I'm just pointing out that you're getting a pretty damn good deal, all in all.
So let's start the party, what do you say!
Wait, won't we mess up Anderson's apartment? I can imagine Shepard being hyper paranoid.
I hope you feel better!! You need good hands for art n stuff.