Husbando~ is pretty sure this is creepy, but I maintain that 1) it's true, 'cause they banged and shit, and 2) you'd have to be literally stupid to not know where Shepard sleeps if you're a Normandy crew member. She has an entire floor to herself.
Anyway, let's all go to sleep, and --
Hey, this looks familiar.
Let's go deeper into the forest.
Hey, that was the kid from Vancouver!
Shepard's not feeling so well, so she goes and cleans herself up a bit while Liara bugs the piss out of her.
Liara says we're getting a space skype call, so let's go see what that's about.
Well, hello to you too, Dalatross!
... which is our next destination, but we need to spend some time pissing around the Normandy. Some stuff has changed. Such as!
Ken and Gabby are back!
I still kind of hate Ken.
We also need to go down to the cargo bay.
That's a recording of Cortez's late husband, who was killed in a collector's attack. He had to talk Cortez into running when Cortez wanted to double back and rescue him.
Which thus raises the question,
That didn't make anyone nervous, that the shuttle driver sits and sobs in the cargo bay all day?
Really, I think Bioware wanted a quick way to make it clear that Cortez was gay and single. Also, I think this was literally the first idea they had. He couldn't be looking at dude pinups with Vega?
This scene gets real fucking weird with dude Shepard, because he's all,