Friday, January 13, 2017

The End: Hackett's Soliloquy

New to the Extended Cut, Hackett gives you a monologue describing the state of the galaxy at this point. This was a response to people who were mad that the Mass Effect ending didn't show what happened next.

Personally, I don't think it added much, but that wasn't a complaint I had with the ending anyway.

Whatever. Take it, Hackett.

I thought that the relays were destroyed in the original ending, but it was so unclear that I could willingly be wrong.

I'm an ass.

I sincerely ask for your forgiveness, but I couldn't figure out how to illustrate this line. It's dumb as hell is why. What the hell in the Mass Effect universe is about working together? I can chop the stones off the krogan, toast the quarians off their own planet, and then Hackett's gonna tell me about togetherness?

... is that the citadel cruising over Vancouver?

Why are nerds okay with this but not okay with the shot in Paragon Lost where the citadel is in Earth's orbit?

I'm still going to pretend I censored out some death spoilers, so enjoy this garbage instead!

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